Greetings from Principal Mullen

Dear Teague Families:
Welcome to the 2023-2024 school year. The entire staff at Teague sincerely hopes you and your families had a restful summer vacation. The excitement we feel about everyone returning to school is evident. Teague continues to look forward to serving our community well by providing high quality instruction for our students and also a safe school that feels welcome to our community. Our goal is to provide the optimal learning environment for our students by ensuring students have clear expectations regarding appropriate school behavior which entails the components of P.R.I.D.E. which is an acronym that stands for Proud, Respect, Integrity, Determined, and Empathy. We expect our students and all visitors to follow these tenets while at school and in the community at large. There are a few very important dates that I’d like to share with everyone. First, school begins August 16, 2023 at 8:00 AM. Please be sure to have students at school on time everyday. Keep in mind, the parking lot is limited so delays are inevitable. In the interest of student safety, parents will not be allowed to wait in the cafeteria during meals or walk students to class. 
Back to school Night for TK-Kindergarten students has been scheduled for August 14th at 4:00 PM-5:00 PM. TK/Kinder students will be directed to classrooms where the teachers will address important information for the new school year. Back to School Night for 1st through 6th grade students is scheduled for August 16th beginning at 5:00 PM-6:30 PM. There will be 2 sessions in order to accommodate families with multiple students enrolled. Families will be directed to the classrooms of their students and teachers will share information important for the upcoming school year.
Teague will be holding our annual Passport Days on August 21st and 22nd. During Passport days, students will receive tours of the school and be instructed on the P.R.I.D.E. expectations regarding appropriate behaviors in common areas on campus. Picture Day is scheduled for August 18, 2023 and classes will be scheduled throughout the day.
Parents, you are important to your child’s education. Your input will be greatly appreciated and I strongly encourage you to attend the School Site Council, English Learner Advisory Committee, and monthly Parent Coffee with the Principal events. Your child’s regular school attendance is extremely important to their success as students. Parents please help our teachers to better educate your students by ensuring your children are present at school daily and prepared to learn. We will have Positive Behavior Intervention Support (P.B.I.S.) events that are designed to reward students who attend school regularly and who behave appropriately. We want to celebrate our student’s academic and social success.
Regular academic assessments have been scheduled to take place throughout the school year. Teachers will use the data from these assessments to help drive their instruction and differentiate the strategies and resources used to meet student’s academic needs. The assessment calendar will be made available to families via Parent Square.
Activities at Teague are in full force. Sports, cheer, and clubs will be an integral part of your student’s experience at school. Students who adhere to rules, meet grade requirements, and follow the principles of P.R.I.D.E. will be able to proudly represent Teague Knights in events across the Central Unified School District.
We look forward to an amazing school year full of learning, academic growth and fun.
Thank you Teague Families and GO KNIGHTS!!